Pediatric examination

Bejelentkezés gyermekrendeléseinkre

Contact our excellent pediatricians for a comprehensive, detailed, long examination of your child’s illness! You can expect fast and accurate diagnosis with immediate laboratory tests, experienced pediatricians who follow the latest professional guidelines, and a truly child-friendly, playful environment.

Why choose us?

We established the Géndino Children’s Clinic to ensure that your child receives complex diagnostics and treatment recommendations in a comprehensive, relaxed, modern, child-friendly and tailor-made way.

What can you expect at Géndino?

  • A long, detailed examination according to the needs of the child and parent
  • No waiting time
  • Any questions can be asked
  • During the examination, the doctor will discuss with you if a short follow-up is needed, which will be free of charge
  • Accurate, validated, on-the-spot laboratory tests are available for the diagnosis of upper respiratory diseases
  • The doctor will only prescribe antibiotics if they are really necessary – but if they are, they will be available from the pharmacy next door
  • If any specialized medical examinations or Lab tests are required to investigate the problem further (e.g. ultrasound, blood tests, allergology, neurology, urology, etc.), these services are available in-house, with VIP appointments for Gendino patients on referral from the General Paediatrician


General pediatric examination
The clinic offers both acute and chronic paediatric care
32 000 Ft
CRP laborautomata teszt
3 000 Ft
RSV laborautomata teszt
4 000 Ft
COVID/Influenza A,B komplex laborautomata teszt
4 000 Ft
Pediatric Allergology Examination
35 000 Ft
Pediatric Allergology Controll
30 000 Ft
Evaluation of Alex test within Pediatric Allergology Examination
42 000 Ft
Evaluation of Alex test
30 000 Ft
Please note that In the case of allergy tests requested without a specialist examination, we cannot be held responsible if the patient has not taken the test that is right for them.
Blood testing is available every weekday between 9:00-14:30, advance booking required.
Alex test complete panel test
result in 3 weeks
79 900 Ft
Alex test subpanels
result in 3 weeks
49 900-69 900 Ft
Inhalative 30 IgE panel
result in 2 weeks
16 900 Ft
Nutritive 30 IgE panel
result in 2 weeks
16 900 Ft
Child 16 IgE panel
result in 2 weeks
16 900 Ft
Unique allergens
by allergens
6 000 Ft
Component based allergy testing (molecular)
price by components
5 900 Ft
by allergens
1 000 Ft
Child ad baby blood sampling fee
The price is payable once per visit, regardless of the number of tests ordered. The anaesthesia used during blood sampling is free of charge for children.
3.200 Huf
Newborn ultrasound screening (infant ultrasound) »
Three regions: skull, abdomen and hips
35 000 Ft
Twin newborn ultrasound screening with discount (twin discount per child)
30 000 Ft
Newborn ultrasound examination (infant ultrasound)
Examination of a region
22 000 Ft
Pediatric ultrasound (abdominal and pelvic)
Up to 14 years of age
25 000 Ft
Child ultrasound for other regions
up to the age of 14
19 000 Ft
Child ultrasound check
until the age of 14
17 000 Ft
Specialist examination in infant and paediatric cardiology »
Please note that we can examine children weighing up to 30 kg in our paediatric cardiology clinic.
40 000 Ft
Specialist control in infant and paediatric cardiology
36 000 Ft
Genetic counselling
35 000 Ft
Humangenetic consultation
27 000 Ft
Testing for inherited genetic disorders
Genetic counselling or consultation required
unique price
SMA genetic testing
góGenetic counselling or consultation required
49 000 Ft
Duchenne/Becker muscledistrophy (DMD) genetic testing
Genetic counselling or consultation required
110 000 Ft
Fragile X-syndrome genetic testing
Genetic counselling or consultation required
105 000 Ft
Cystic Fibrosis genetic testing
Genetic counselling or consultation required
59 000 Ft
Cariotyping (cytogentical chromosomes testing)
Genetic counselling or consultation required
45 000 Ft
Lactose sensitivity genetic susceptibility testing
Genetic counselling or consultation required
16 500 Ft
Gluten sensitivity genetic susceptibility testing
Genetic counselling or consultation required
35 000 Ft
Paediatric neurological examination
36 000 Ft
Pediatric urology examination»
32 000 Ft
Pediatric urology controll
30 000 Ft
Pediatric urology consultation
Only by the suggestion
22 000 Ft
Small pediatric surgery
49 000 Ft


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